
September Photo-a-day Challenge


I couldn’t find anything I liked for September so I decided to do my own! I wasn’t too sure on the subjects, I tried out a few before thinking it would be a nice idea to do a ‘Favourites’ themed one!

What is a Photo-a-day Challenge?
Each day through September you can upload a photo that interprets the prompt for that day, for example, 3rd September is Favourite Colour. You do not have to do every day if you do not want too! It is just something fun to do to help see you through September!

How do I join in?
You can use any social media to do so; Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook – The world is your oyster! Just make sure you use the hashtag #favouritephotochallenge to not only allow me to see what you are posting, but others who may be interested or doing the challenge themselves.

The thing to remember is it is not essential.. it is just a little fun! So if you miss a day, don’t worry, you can either post two on the same day or simply miss it out. Not every one of these prompts will be right for everyone so feel free to pick and choose!

Have fun!
If you are wondering I will be using Instagram to post my photos; carleylouise87

Comment on this post if you are going to join the challenge and let me know your handles so I can follow you c:

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