Blog challenge · Personal · text post

Day 15 : Where will I be in five years time?


Five years ago I had big dreams on what my future would hold. At that time I was twenty four, I hadn’t long graduated from University, and I thought I would be in a big IT job, doing anything from building websites to database admin, earning big bucks and living in my own home, sharing it with my ex-fiance. Yet here I am five years later and it really has gone so differently than I dreamt.

So it makes me think just where will I be in five years time. I would be 34 by that point, and I really hope I will be in a job I love or doing something I love. I would like to think my home life and mental health would be improved, and possibly be engaged to my current boyfriend and.. dare I say it.. thinking about children?

I guess we all have big hopes and dreams for the future, but we cannot guarantee what is going to happen to us. We can plan as much as we like, and me being a perfectionist I do hate the fact the future cannot be predicted!

What are your future goals? You can always share them with me in the comments below.

For more of my 30-day challenges, please look in the blog challenge category.
You can also find me on Instagram, Twitter & Pinterest.


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Day 14 : Three Healthy Habits



I guess healthy habits could be anything from drinking lots of water per day or exercising and going to the gym! Although mine isn’t as good as the latter, I still feel the below are healthy habits that I keep to daily.

  • Low carb eating – Although this isn’t every day as it once was, I am conscious of the amount of carbs I am eating per day. When I stuck to 100-130 carbs a few years back I ended up loosing 2 stone in a matter of six months. Due to my mental health, I have put a little back on, but I am slowly trying to loose the weight again.


  • Drinking lots of water – This is something I find so hard to do, but I am starting to add no added sugar squash to my water, and keeping it cold in the fridge really helps. I hate tap water that’s not cold! My aim is for five glasses a day, and I know the recommendation is eight now, but I am still proud of my five!


  • Going on long walks – This is my main form of excersise, and I love it. Even if it is just a walk around the block, I make sure I go out daily. Of course, there are some days it isn’t possible or I am unwell.. but usually headphones in, or holding David’s hand, and I’m off!

Do you have any healthy habits you stick too? Let me know in the comments below!

For more of my 30-day challenges, please look in the blog challenge category.
You can also find me on Instagram, Twitter & Pinterest.


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Day 13 : What’s inside my fridge?


Not a lot as I discovered this lunchtime when I opened the fridge door! We have a lot of frozen food but not much chilled, therefore I haven’t taken a photo but I will describe for you guys…

Inside our fridge, there are three shelves and a salad/veg drawer and on the door itself, there are two compartments.

In the fridge itself there is Flora Buttery, Cream Cheese, block of Mature Cheddar, half a block of salted Butter, Potatoes, Red Onion, Carrots, Mushrooms, Eggs, Yoghurt, Blueberries, Wafer thin Chicken.

In the door part is sauces [Mayo, BBQ, Sour Cream, Mustard, Ketchup], Jam, Lemon Curd, a bottle of Lemonade and Milk.

Man.. I think I need to go do some shopping…

Blog challenge · Personal · text post

Day 12 : Favourite Childhood Book



Related image

My favourite childhood book was Mog the Forgetful Cat. I have always loved Cats, and owned a Mog stuffed toy too!

Mog is a forgetful Cat who lives with the Thomas family. They see Mog as a nuisance, as the poor cat keeps forgetting things, expect the daughter Debbie, who is always on Mog’s side. Near the end of the book, Mog does something brave that ultimately saves the Thomas family and they begin to realise that they need Mog in their lives.

Lots of repetition and beautiful illustrations… Makes me want to read it again now!

For more of my 30-day challenges, please look in the blog challenge category.
You can also find me on Instagram, Twitter & Pinterest.




Blog challenge · Personal · text post

Day 11 : Ten Favourite Foods


This wasn’t a hard post to write today because I love food. If I could eat every hour, all day than I would! As I’ve got older I’ve started to like more savoury foods than sweet, but no one can beat chocolate.

Still onto my list of food!

  1. Nuts – I love all the type of nuts you can get, although I have a soft spot for Pistachio and Honey roast Cashews
  2. Potato – Chips, Baked, Fried…
  3. Cucumber – I literally cut them in half and eat them in the summer!
  4. Sweetcorn – I eat it with almost anything.
  5. Eggs – I eat them at least three times a week… poached being my favourite
  6. Chicken – I eat lots and lots of chicken, even Quorn chicken due to David.
  7. Bacon – Nothing beats a good old bacon sandwich.
  8. Yoghurt – With fruit for breakfast
  9. Pasta – I have a love/hate relationship with Pasta.. so many carbs!
  10. Bread – Same as the above…

Is there a type of food that is your favourite? Let me know in the comments below!

For more of my 30-day challenges, please look in the blog challenge category.
You can also find me on Instagram, Twitter & Pinterest.


Blog challenge · Personal · text post

Day 10 : Best Trip of your Life



Although I have been to America a couple of times, which were absolutely fantastic holidays, I have chosen one holiday I had with my boyfriend in the UK, when we went to Chapel St.Leondard, near Skegness for a week in the family caravan. I suspect some people may laugh at this choice, but it is a holiday we will always remember and still smile about today.

We had only met around four times before this trip, and it was the first time I had been to his hometown before travelling to Skegness. I got there by coach, starting my travel around 0600 in the morning, arriving in his hometown for 1130, and then I remember we had a three-hour train journey plus thirty minutes on the bus before we finally arrived at our destination. I was so, so tired but also very happy.

It was October and yet the sunshine was amazing! I had mainly packed long sleeved items and jeans, so I had to roll them up, luckily I had remembered my sunglasses. The beach was literally a ten minute walk from the caravan site, and you could walk from Chapel into Skegness if you wanted [we did that on another trip, stopping at Ingolmels on the way through]. The sea was glorious, the sand was clean and I have always enjoyed walking bare foot on the sand since a child.

What really made the holiday for me, was we got up at 0600 to see the Sunrise from the beach. For me, it was really easy to get up at that time, as my old job required me to get up at six and leave the house about 0730 in the morning, but it was harder for David as he works nights! Still, we made it down to the beach before the sun had peeked above the horizon, and the only other person down with us was a fisherman. It was amazing, the photo above simply does not do it justice at the beautiful colours that we saw. We spent a good two hours walking on the beach, playing in the sand and just sitting and admiring the view.


It was also the realisation that our Long Distance Relationship could actually work. Of course, it was within the honeymoon period, or whatever it is called, but we got on so well, we enjoyed many of the same things and we both just had a relaxing week. That was 2013 and here we are in 2017 living together and being adults!

Do you have a trip that will always be the best you’ve been on? Comment below and let me know!

For more of my 30-day challenges, please look in the blog challenge category.
You can also find me on Instagram, Twitter & Pinterest.


Blog challenge · Personal · text post

Day 9 : What’s in my bag


This is always a fun thing to do, I remember doing a similar question when I used to do these 30-day photo challenges on Instagram. I used to use a rucksack every day for work and even on the weekends, but since I suffered with a frozen shoulder I have gone to over the body bags to help.

So… what is in my bag?


I always laugh when I do out my owl bag because it doesn’t look big enough to fit all that I have in there, however, I have come to the conclusion it is just like Mary Poppins’s bag, or a TARDIS bag [bigger on the inside].

I never go anywhere without my headphones. I have proper ones too, but these fit in one of the inside pockets and are good for if I’m wearing my glasses, or a headband, as they just fit in my ears and not over my head. They are Skullcandies and I love them! Unfortunately, they have a habit of breaking after some use, like one earphone will stop working, but I always buy a few pairs when they are on offer.

Literally, if you look at my pile of keys, there are more keyrings on there than actual keys; three keys to nine keyrings! Most of them are store cards that I have attached, like Morrisons and the Library, I have a pound token for trolleys when we go shopping, a boomerang shaped one I got from my Auntie when she went to Aussie, a hidden Lord of the Rings one and my initial C and a mouse hugging it that I’ve had since I was 13.

That umbrella is so old too… but I refuse to get rid until there is actually a hole in it, at the moment it is just a little wonky and stiff to undo. It has Tigger on it, and I remember getting it from my childhood town’s Disney store, when it had one. I love Tigger so much and I cannot get an adult looking one these days… guess I’ll have to get an Owl one next!

Beauty things… always have a hairbrush on me, mints as I’m addicted to TicTacs, Lip balm and body spray. Pens.. why I have two, I do not know, but the Panda one I got from David for Christmas, the other one has monsters on. I constantly forget I have a pen, or two, on me and remember when I am looking for something else in the pockets.

Lastly, my small purse. I find it I use a bigger one, although they do fit, I end up carrying lots of receipts I do not need, hence why I use a small one. Did take some time getting used to it, mind you, as I like carrying change around with me, and actually, if you put a lot in the coin part, it won’t shut properly!

Well, there you go! There were some tissues and receipts in the bottom to.. but I didn’t think they would be interesting to see, haha!

Let me know if you carry similar things in your bag in comments below!

For more of my 30-day challenges, please look in the blog challenge category.
You can also find me on Instagram, Twitter & Pinterest.



Blog challenge · Personal · text post

Day 8 : Five Current Goals


A little while ago on my blog, I used to do three monthly goals at the beginning of each month, reviewing what had gone on the month before. I am going to start doing this again come April! It was a fun little project that kept things in line for me, as I knew I would have to tell you all why if I hadn’t bothered!

These five current goals are quite wide and probably will carry on throughout 2017, however, they are goals I really want to try and achieve this year.

  • Get an admin job – I left my job, as previously explained, back in December 2016, and since then I have been looking to change my career from Retail to Admin. It is proving a lot harder than I thought, I have applied for anything and everything that falls under that umbrella. I am looking to getting into temping work now, as a lot of places want people with experience, so I’m going to get myself some! A lovely little 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday job would suit me down to the ground.


  • Set up my Etsy shop – Okay this is something I have been procrastinating over since January. I have a logo and a name, I just need to get my Crojo back and actually crochet some things to sell. Planning on doing little things, for now, just to see what sells before I try bigger items!


  • Loose at least a stone by September – So.. this September I shall be turning 30! I do not know, nor understand, where my twenties have gone, but I am looking forward to a new chapter in my life. Before I got my depression I had lost just over two and a half stone, and unfortunately, I have put back on a little more than a stone. I would love to loose it all again, and more, but I know that would be too much in the time I have before my birthday. If I can get back to where I was before last year, I would be so happy.


  • Continue with my BuJo – I have enjoyed doing my Bullet Journal so much that I want to keep at it and not stop. It is lovely to wake up every day and look in my journal, plan my day and weeks out, keeping little trackers to keep my anxiety at bay. It really has helped with that, I have been having less anxiety panics over everyday stuff as I can see it all planned out in front of me.


  • Make peace with those around me – I won’t go too much into detail on this one, but I have realised there has been quite a few people that haven’t supported me through my mental illness, and still believe I am being lazy now for not having a job and going back into retail. I need to just allow them to have their own opinions and just make peace with that. Life is too short!


Do you have any long term goals you are working towards? Let me know in the comments below!

For more of my 30-day challenges, please look in the blog challenge category.
You can also find me on Instagram, Twitter & Pinterest.


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Day 7 : Five Favourites Songs


I love music; classical, drum and bass, pop, techno… I love it all! I grew up in a house where the cd player was always on, and if not then it would be the radio. I do have a wide range of musical love, and I do favour the older songs.

Bringing it down to just five songs was a little difficult for me, but these song have been my favourites for a long time now, and they are ones that regularly are played on my Spotify list.I have added links to the songs on YouTube via the titles:

“Wish I were with you, but I couldn’t stay. Every direction leads me away…”

“Welcome to the Hotel California, such a lovely place, such a lovely face…”

“You are the sun, I am the moon, you are the words, I am the tune… play me…”

“Hello darkness my old friend, I’ve come to talk with you again…”

“And it’s cold outside, I feel the winter. There’s a chill in the air, of secrets untold…”

Do you have a favourite song? Why not share it with me in the comments, I love hearing new music!

For more of my 30-day challenges, please look in the blog challenge category.
You can also find me on Instagram, Twitter & Pinterest.



Blog challenge · Personal · text post

Day Six : What are you afraid of?



When I started thinking about today’s prompt, I realised that there are over 100 different types of ‘fear’ that we can all have. They range from Arachnophobia, being the fear of Spiders, to Hippotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, being the fear of long words! It is rather incredible the amount of different fears there is out there, look some up!

I am afraid of a few things:

  • Acrophobia, the fear of Heights. I haven’t always had this fear, however, as I started to get into my teenage years, going up high and having to look down has me all nervous and sweaty. I remember going up the Eiffel Tower on a school trip to France and literally hugging the middle of it, even though the top part of it’s mesh so you cannot lean out.
  • Enochlophobia, the fear of Crowds. This one is recent for me since I suffered with depression, and now, anxiety. I am still not too sure what I fear about being in a crowded place or within a crowd of people. I think it is because everyone is stood so close to you, and you have to weave in and out of people to get to where you want to go.
  • Atychiphobia, the fear of Failure. I have always been a perfectionist and even in my adult life, I am constantly worrying I will fail at something. I am a Virgo, and that streak, if you do believe in horoscopes as I do, is there as a warning sign; how I got through University I do not know!

I have been slowly working on my fears over the last couple of years, but it is very hard to do. I guess our brains just see these things as a warning sign, to panic over them even if they aren’t physically going to hurt us. Strange how the mind and body work.

Do you have a fear or phobia? Why don’t you comment below and share it with me!

For more of my 30-day challenges, please look in the blog challenge category.
You can also find me on Instagram, Twitter & Pinterest.
